What’s a Typical Product Manager Salary?

In this essay, I’ll share with you typical ranges for a Product Manager salary, how it compares with an engineer’s salary, and a few resources you can use to do more research.

The typical Product Manager salary range is between $110,000 – $130,000 USD per a year.

This is assuming you have 3-5 years of experience and live in a big city like San Francisco, LA, or New York City.

Here’s a screenshot of a Product Manager offer I had a from a Silicon Valley pre-IPO company.

Product Manager Salary from Pre-IPO Company

Product Manager Salary from Pre-IPO Company

The Associate Product Manager salary range is between $80,000 – $110,000.

This is an junior-level position that assumes you have little or product experience. You’ll likely work closely with other junior-level Product Managers and get mentored by Product Managers.

Here’s a screenshot of an Associate Product Manager offer I had from a start-up in Los Angeles. You’ll notice the salary is below the “typical” range. This because I was in the early stages of my career and valued experience more than salary on the job.

Associate Product Manager Salary from Pre-IPO Company

Associate Product Manager Salary from Pre-IPO Company

The Senior Product Manager salary range is between $130,000 to $160,000.

As a Senior Product Manager, you’re still spending most of your time managing a product (as oppose to managing people). The product may rise in complexity or you may be managing multiple products.

Here’s a screenshot of a Senior Product Manager offer I had from a Series-B funded company in Los Angeles.

Senior Product Manager Salary from Series B Funded Start-Up

Senior Product Manager Salary from Series B Funded Start-Up

In addition to the salary, equity is a huge part of the offer.

Working for a fast-growing start-up is one of the best ways to quickly build wealth.

Smaller companies typically pay less in salary and offer more in equity. Larger companies typically pay more in salary and offer less in equity.

2 other factors affect a Product Manager’s salary. They are:

  • Location – Silicon Valley salaries are higher than Los Angeles
  • Other offers – a competing offer will drive up your offer

One interesting observation is that the Product Manager salary ranges are slightly higher than an Engineer’s salary range.

Here’s how they compare:

Product Manager Salary

  • Associate Product Manager: $80,000 – $110,000
  • Product Manager: $110,000 – $130,000
  • Senior Product Manager $130,000 – $160,000

Developer Salary

  • Jr. Developer: $70,000 – $90,000
  • Developer: $90,000 – $110,000
  • Senior Developer: $110,000 – $130,000

Two great resources that you can use to dive deeper into Product Manager salary ranges are

  • Glassdoor – detailed salary ranges
  • AngelList – detailed salary ranges and equity offers

These resources are great to have when going into salary negotiations.

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