Some industry-disrupting mobile technologies are going to rock our world in the next few weeks. The largest gathering for mobile in the world is going to take place and Apple is going to announce a new suite of mobile products.
Here are 3 of my favorite presentations on how mobile is going to eat the world this year:
From Benedict Evans
From GGV Capital
From Mary Meeker
New App Design Class – Check it out on Kickstarter!
If you want to take an active part in eating the world by creating your own mobile app, check out my new course:
This class teaches non-technical peeps how to create an app.
I’m currently raising money on Kickstarter where you’ll be able to preorder it for up to 90% off.
Here’s the trailer for the course:
You can preorder the course (save up to 90%) on the Kickstarter link here:
Happy Learning!